Workshops & Talks


Summer School on Applied Combinatorics – Cryptography and Combinatorial Topology

11 - 23 July 2022, TCG CREST

The program covered three main areas: Foundations, which focused on combinatorial mathematics, including Polya Theory, Graph Theory, and Number Theory, Cryptography, which explored cryptographic methods like Ciphers and Public Key Cryptography, with an introduction to Quantum Computation and Combinatorial Topology exploring the Topological Tverberg Problem and Discrete Morse Theory.

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Amazon Machine Learning Summer School

July 2022

Learnt key topics like Supervised Learning, Deep Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Dimensionality Reduction and advanced topics Probabilistic Graphical Models, Sequential Learning, Causal Inference and Reinforcement Learning.

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Winter School on Blockchain and Cryptography

2 - 27 Dec 2019, IISER Pune

Conducted an in-depth exploration of Blockchain architecture and Distributed Ledger Technologies, focusing on their applications beyond finance in areas like supply chain, healthcare, and voting systems. This included studying various consensus mechanisms such as proof of work and proof of stake, and analyzing the security aspects of Blockchain 1.0, 2.0, and the Tangle, identifying key vulnerabilities and risks.

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Unsupervised Learning

9 April 2024, St. Stephen's College, DU

This talk was a part of a workshop at DU. Unsupervised Learning is a class of ML methods for learning unlabelled data. We discussed Latent Variable Models, SVD, PCA, Autoencoders, t-SNE, Variational Inference and K-means clustering

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Deep Item Response Theory

11 September 2023, IIT-Bombay

Deep Item Response Theory (Deep IRT) is an extension of the traditional IRT which is used to analyze the properties of tests and items in educational assessments, focusing on the relationship between the latent traits of individuals and their item responses. Deep IRT takes this further by employing deep learning techniques like attention to model complex non-linear relationships between items and latent traits.

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MS Thesis Defense

11 July 2023, IISER-Kolkata, MPI-NAT

My Master's Thesis under Prof. Johannes Soeding was presented in front of the Quantitative and Computational Biology group at MPI-NAT along with my mentors Prof. Satyaki Mazumder and Prof. Anirvan Chakraborty at IISER Kolkata.

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Variational Inference

10 November 2022, IISER-Kolkata

Variational Inference offers an alternative to MCMC for approximating complex posterior distributions. This was an introductory talk introducing the basics of VI and how the seminal paper on Stochastic Variational Inference helped make VI faster and scalable.

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Computational Number Theory

12 October 2022, IISER-Kolkata

An introductory talk on CNT introducing Fast Exponentiation, Euler Theorem, Gauss Divisor Lemma and Modular Inversion.

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Speech Enhancement in TTS Systems

15 December 2021, Skit AI

My findings on enhancing speech in TTS Systems using Signal Processing, ML and DL techniques presented to the Tech team of Skit AI.

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