General Information

Full Name Ananyapam De
Date of Birth 14th September 2000
Languages Bengali, Hindi, English, Sanskrit

Research Interests

  • Probabilistic ML, Approximate Inference, Regression Models, Optimization, Deep Learning


  • C/C++, Python (Pytorch, Tensorflow), R, SQL


  • 2024 - Present
    Research Assistant (RA)
    Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany
    Department of Mathematics
  • 2018 - 2023
    Bachelors and Masters (BS-MS) Dual Degree
    Indian Instiute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata
    Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    • Minor: Computational and Data Sciences
    • MS Thesis Title: Latent Factor Analysis and Regression of Multivariate Poisson Lognormal Counts using Amortized Variational Inference
    • MS Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Johannes Soeding, co-advised by Prof. Satyaki Mazumder.
    • Courses:
        Mathematics: Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Topology, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, Measure Theory, Differential Geometry, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations
        Statistics: Probability Theory and Measure Theoretic Probability, Statistical Inference, Linear Models, Time Series
        Economics: Economics, Applied Micro-econometrics
        Computer Science: Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning and Network Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Search Methods in Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval
  • 2004 - 2018
    High School
    St. Columba's School, New Delhi

Research Experience

  • Jul - Dec 2023
    Pre-Doctoral Fellow
    Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
    Centre for Machine Intelligence and Data Science
    • Project Supervisor: Prof. Sharat Chandran, IIT-B.
    • Courses: Computer Graphics, Asymptotic Statistics, Operating Systems
  • Dec 2022 - Mar 2023
    Research Assistant
    Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
    Decision Sciences Department
    • Project Title: Optimal Staring Lineup and Substitution Strategy for NBA using GRASP and Deep Q Learning.
    • Project Supervisor: Prof. Soudeep Deb, Prof. Rishideep Roy and Prof. Subhabrata Das
  • Dec 2021 - Feb 2022
    Machine Learning Research Assistant
    Google Winter of Code, Skit AI
    • Project Title: Improving Text-to-Speech(TTS) systems.
  • Jul - Aug, 2021
    Quantitative Research Intern
    JP Morgan Chase
    • Project Title: Volatility Modelling in Crude Oil Prices
  • May - Jul, 2021
    Research Software Developer
    Max Planck Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen
    Quantitative and Computational Biology Group
    • Project Title: Gappiness Match Score Correction
    • Project Supervisor: Prof. Johannes Söding
  • Apr - May, 2020
    Quant Trading Intern
    Stellar Alpha Global (Now Greenland Investment)
    • Project Title: Researched on Alpha Generation Strategies using Fractal Analysis

Teaching Experience

  • Mar - Jul 2024
    Teaching Assistant
    Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany
    • Acted as the TA for the Statistical Data Science course.
  • May - June 2023
    Teaching Fellow
    Ashoka University, Sonipat (in collaboration with IIT-D, ISI-D, JNU)
    • Taught and assisted undergrads and high school students in olympiad level mathematics problem solving in Number Theory, Geometry and Combinatorics.
  • Aug - Dec 2022
    Teaching Assistant
    Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata
    • Acted as the TA for the Statistcs-I (MA3205) course.